Together we can make an amazing difference in our community and in our world!


We GIVE because God first GAVE to us. God’s generous love leads us to respond with generosity to others. Through our contributions people discover Jesus’ love, needs are met in practical ways and help is received all over the globe.

It is easy and secure to donate to the mission of FBCWAX

Give Online

Schedule a one time or recurring Gift using your checking account, debit or credit card.

Stock Contributions

You can donate stock to FBCWax. If you would like to give stock gifts to FBCWax please contact and we will give you instructions to contact our financial representative.

Planned or Legacy Giving

You can leave a financial legacy to FBCWax in several ways. Please contact or 972-937-1940. You can also access A free will service through a partnership with the Texas Baptist Missions Foundation below.

Giving by Check or Bank Bill Pay

Make checks payable to First Baptist Church of Waxahachie. Our mailing address is:

450 E HWY 287
Waxahachie, TX 75165

Giving Envelopes

If you need a set of giving envelopes please send us your name and mailing address

Tithe vs Offering

Tithing Honors The Lord

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the World, and those who dwell in it.” Psalm 24:1

As Christians, we are in a constant process of spiritual growth. As we grow to yield to the lordship of Jesus Christ in our daily lives and obey His commands. Like the spiritual disciplines of prayer, worship and Bible reading, tithing is a simple act of obedience to be used in that growth process. And it is in obeying God that we as Christians find abundant life. The word “tithe” means one tenth (1/10). It refers to giving 10% (1/10) of one’s income to the Lord. 1 Samuel 2:30 says, “Those who honor me will I honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”

How do we honor God? Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the Lord with your income, with the firstfruits of all your crops, then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” This was written in a time based on agricultural economy when believers took the first and best of all their produce and gave it to the Lord—one tenth. While our system of exchange is different today, we can apply the same principle in giving to the Lord the first of our income —10%— before any earthly financial obligations. But can you afford that? If you love and fear God, you cannot afford not to give. If you will pay God first each week/month to the Lord, upon the authority of His Word, He will make sure you have all you need. Maybe not all you want, but all you need.

While tithes are the basics of Christian Stewardship, offerings are gifts made above and beyond the scriptural tithe. Periodically you may learn of financial needs to which you feel led by God to contribute. These gifts, above the amount of your regular tithe, are offerings and when God proves it is not possible to outgive him.

All gifts to FBC, unless otherwise designated, are applied to the church budget that is approved annually. This budget is making a difference by not only providing financial ministry support locally, but also around the world.  Copies are available, upon request, in the church office. Gifts made to specific areas are called “designated” gifts, and when making contributions to those areas, you must specify or designate where you want that money to go. Some of those areas include but are not limited to:

  • Building
  • Missions
  • Children
  • Students
  • Music
  • Memorial
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